Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rant on City Employees

What is the deal with the individuals employed by the city? What do they have to be so rude about? I went to the dump the other day and arrived there at 4:47pm EXACTLY. A sweet little old lady exited the small building and walked up to my driver-side window. She told me that "unfortunately" I was a little too late and that the waste facility had closed at 4:45pm. Now I might have understood the reason I couldn't drop off a broken fridge or something seeing as it would have cost me money, and would have to go into the computer, etc. But I clearly had a small load of yard waste which is very easy to remove from my vehicle and it wouldn't cost a penny to unload here. Not having any way to retort to my simple logic, the lady repeats exactly what she had just said before, WORD-FOR-WORD. What was she thinking? Did she think I didn't hear her the first time? Well, after she repeated the only line she knows, I told her I had come all the way from Kaleden just to get rid of this waste, but I didn't get anything more than an "Oh really?" Now, all I'm thinking to myself is "Are you serious?! Is every word I've been saying just travel through one ear and out the other?" Clearly there was no way to make this lady understand my predicament, so I quietly turned my vehicle around and drove home muttering to myself the entire time. Now, I bring you back to my questions from earlier. Why was she so rude? Was two minutes late really that hard to let slide? And why is this type of thing true of almost all city employees?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 3 Comedians

I my mind, there are only three comedians that battle for that top slot on my favorites list. I'm going to base them blatantly off of how hard they make me laugh, how realistic their content actually is, and their presentation of their material.
#1- The Great Dane Cook
#2- Russell Peters
#3- Robin Williams

Dane Cook gets my heart. His material is always classic stuff like when you're a youngster wanting to go to "Benoson's Animal Farm" and having your dad drink to much the night before, resulting it a brutal let down... or when you want to name your newborn something, and a sound effect is your number one choice. He always describes real life situations that everyone goes through almost everyday.
Dane Cook's style is principally energetic physical comedy. He combines observational humour and wordplay with a casual attitude. His routines focus on his childhood, and his plans for the future, such as his "dream home". He will sometimes deliver jokes in the form of over-the-top rants with increasingly erratic body motions, pacing, waving, and jumping.

Russell Peters is the kind of comedian that can just make you laugh at ANYTHING. Most of his material relates to his own life. Peters' comedy focuses largely around his Indian upbringing and racial stereotypes, as he often parodies his parents and South Asian culture. Much of his material explores the cultural divides between many different ethnicities and upbringings in a way that includes many impressions. One reason for his popularity is that he engages the audience at his shows, by talking to individuals and making some sort of remark at, or about them.

Robin Williams is known for his extremely random, off-topic, outbursts. Williams first achieved notice for his stand up routines, performing for tips only, and working at clubs like The Purple Onion in San Francisco. He has been accused, especially in recent years, of stealing jokes from other comedians and even paying for material after the fact.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angels & Demons Poem

"A constant battle going on in my head"
- This statement can very vividly relate to the book. It explains the troubles of the crisis between religion and science. Each person is obligated to make his or her own opinion on whether they believe there is one God that creates miracles, or that science is the real "God" and miracles are created by it everyday. This is the battle where there is no winner or loser. It shouldn't even be a battle, but there are people that are so against the other belief, that they try and prove to them that they're wrong.

"Seeking to conquer the war of who's right"
- Again, we have a statement proving the battle of who's beliefs are right, and whose are wrong. When really, there is no right or wrong... it's just different. This quote is referring to the "Demons", who in this case are the people that believe there is a right and wrong answer. It's up to you, and only you, to decide whether you believe in a God, multiple Gods, Science, or even fate. There's no right or wrong.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Journal #1 Angels and Demons

This is one of the greatest books I've ever read. The plot was interesting right off the bat. But one fact of this story that I find very interesting, is the fact that about 98% of it is actually real. The facts of the story are all actually real, but the story and the characters where created by the author.

" God give me strength to accept those things I cannot change." "Trust me, this is one of those things." These quotes represent the fight between religion and science. There are so many that believe in religion (one being myself) as an answer to there questions in life. How was the Universe created? Why do these things keep happening to me? etc. Then there are the many people that believe there is a logical explantion for everything. The Big Bang theory is a concept of two particles randomly hitting each other with such incredible velocity that the result was the creation of the universe. Now, this theory may sound pretty farfetched but according to Mr. Hogg, the creation of Anti-matter (something from nothing) is actually all true. They've done it. They're starting to actually proove that both God and the Big Bang Theory are real. Both religion and science are the truth. But most won't want to believe that both science and religion can be one. This would bring us to our next problem. There will be almost religious or scientific "terrorists" trying to tear down everyone's beliefs. But overall, this book is amazing and well thought out. The author gets you real deep into the characters and reveals their personalities extremely well.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Review for "21"

The movie "21" was a great movie. It gave us a look at one of the most amazing arts in the known world. You have people that can paint million dollar murals, people that can create award-winning symphonies, and then you have card counting. Card counting is one of those tricks you can't foil. This movie explains how it is used, and how well it can actually work. Another thing they show you, is how bad the consequences can be. Personally, I don't like Lawrence Fishburne, but he seemed to fit this role quite well... he played the role of security at a casino. His character is a bit edgy, and a bit of a cheapskate, but definetely a crucial part in the movie. Jim Sturgess plays a kid living in a family that's not so very wealthy, but he's a genius attending MIT and is trying to obtain a special scholarship that'll pay for his entire tuition at Harvard Medical School. His character is a guy that has a strong head on his shoulders and can usually think for himself.

Overall, I'd give this movie a 9.9 out of 10. I take off that .1 because I'm not crazy about Lawrence Fishbourne, especially when he plays the bad guy. :p

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Perils of Indifference

1. The Conflicts that no one cares about.

2. In Mr. & Mrs. Smith, they're both secret agents but for different organizations. So at first, they hide their real jobs from each other and pretend that they work for a local business, but then later are each assigned to kill each other.

3. The warnings Elie Weisel gives us in his speech can be related to the townspeople in "The Lottery" in a way where the townspeople would become the result of the people of the nation being indifferent about the wars, poverty, and deaths occurring around the world. He is basically telling us that if we continue to ignore these problems, they will eventually de-sensitize us to a point where we completely just don't care.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance is bliss... Riiiiiiight.

For starters, I know ignorance is bliss. When you don't know about something, it's not your problem/conflict, therefore you don't have this issue hanging in the back of your mind making you wonder whether or not you should do something about it. I'm going to just go on a rant about one thing that pertains to this statement.

It's a thursday night, and you're relaxing on the couch watching TV. Your favorite show, Lost, has just gone into a commercial break of this young child sitting in a puddle, rolling a tumbleweed back and forth with his friend. At first, you think "aww, what a cute kid", but then you see his embarrassed little smile and you start to think "Oh crap... these are the needy kids!" "These kids make me feel bad. I gotta get outta here!" you'd selfishly think to yourself as you begin to fall into a trance on these poor souls. Personally, I blame that old guy that comes out. That burly, "Chris Cringle" type character. He just steps into the frame and starts telling us information about the children, "Hello. Top of the morning to you. As you can see, these kids... well, they aren't having an easy-go. This is McGoogoo, and he is a good little tyke. He's the one Madonna didn't want (hahahahaha). For fifteen cents... fifteen little pennies. You can fix his cleft lip, and send him to Oxford." But you don't give. YOU DON'T GIVE!

Now, you have to understand why I blame this man. I blame him because he's "too nice". As North Americans, we need a swift kick in the pants. We need this slightly built guy to come out. He's got to have a leather jacket, few days of growth, and a raging temper. He'll just all of a sudden pop into frame and start to rant "What are you going to do to help these kids?! They're playing with a tumbleweed in a puddle! It's fifteen cents! FIFTEEN CENTS! You have a coin jar in your closet that you're never going to use! Fifteen cents! Call up two of your friends, each donate a nickel! You're a LOSER! You're a LOOOOSER! C'mon kids, this guy doesn't care about you, 'cause he's just a stupid idiot. Goooodbyyyyyeeeeee!" Now, if you had a guy like this on those commercials, you might actually make a difference in someone else's life.

How does this relate to "Ignorance is Bliss"? Well, millions of kids around the world are being ignored by people more fortunate than them, and once we make this known to them, they actually make an effort to turn a blind eye. We're too lazy as a global society to help those in need. Ignorance is bliss..... right.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Disagree With What Makes A Girl Beautiful...

I disagree almost completely with the author's idea of what makes a girl beautiful. First of all, I prefer cute over beautiful anyway. That's just my preference. Her hair should be like a medium length; somewhere around a couple of inches below the shoulders. I do agree her hair should be blonde, but it has to have that black underneath and near the roots. Not like a bad dye job, but I think you get the point. She should be short at least, like somewhere around 5'5"ish. I don't care what her nose looks like, just as long as it's not one of those pig noses. Not that I have anything against them, because I know you don't CHOOSE what you look like (although nowadays you pretty much can), but I prefer one of those little rounder noses. Her eyes can be any color, because I have brown and I know that's not too exciting so I'm not goin' to be picky about that, although I do love a girl's eyes, especially when she's using them to read your mind. I'm not going to get too detailed on her body (haha) because I'm pretty easy going on that, just as long as they're not overweight (I know that sounds shallow but at least I'm being honest). I, myself, am not overweight and believe in eating healthy and excerising daily so I'd prefer that she'd at least be somewhat slimmer. Her personality should be unique. A fun, very loving girl that treasures and deciphers all those little details about our relationship. She also should have a good head on her shoulders where she's very "down to Earth" in her logic and ideas, but also a little punkish as to have another hidden side to her. Sounds weird, I know, but I have no idea how to explain it. Oh, and one last thing... she has to LOVE music. KEY component!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blog Topics

So far so good Searcy. The superpower topic was easy to write about and was open-ended. I find these types of topics are easier to write about because you can look at it in so many different ways and perspectives, as opposed to having a specific topic about something we're going to spend hours on during the final exam. In addition to that conflict, if you made an entire class write about a specific topic, then I'm pretty sure that you're going to get thirty of the same response no matter how creative they make it. Everyone knows that thirty of the same thing is pointless, boring, and ridiculously redundant. Let's make the "write" decision here Searcy. :P

example: Celebrities, Music, Cody Isted, Byron Burgart, Cows, Water, Tree, etc.

Also, for this marking phenomenon, I would prefer that you mark it based on what YOU think the individual deserves. Perhaps give them a few comments on they're writing style and sentence structure, but don't mark them on the six-point-scale. That scale represents nothing but how to be the perfect author. Personally, when I find out we're being marked on the scale, I tend to worry about what I'm writing and therefore leading me to mind-blocks and dulled creativity.


My superpower of choice would have to be the ability to shoot spaghetti from my fingertips. Now, I bet you're asking: "Chris, why would you want THAT superpower? Wouldn't you want to fly? Or be invincible?". The answer is simple my friends. Ask yourself, would you want to be covered in spaghetti? If I'm on a date with a girl and she's being fairly rude, I could just cover her in spaghetti. Or maybe there's a needy family that would love a delicious spaghetti dinner, in which case I would whip out a couple of platters and fill their stomachs with my healthy delight. In fact, I would want it to be the good spaghetti. Not that healthy, tasteless, whole wheat stuff. That's not spaghetti! Johnny Twelve-grain over here trying to pretend it's delicious. The white spaghetti is perfect, and you can't improve on what's perfect! :)