Thursday, February 21, 2008


My superpower of choice would have to be the ability to shoot spaghetti from my fingertips. Now, I bet you're asking: "Chris, why would you want THAT superpower? Wouldn't you want to fly? Or be invincible?". The answer is simple my friends. Ask yourself, would you want to be covered in spaghetti? If I'm on a date with a girl and she's being fairly rude, I could just cover her in spaghetti. Or maybe there's a needy family that would love a delicious spaghetti dinner, in which case I would whip out a couple of platters and fill their stomachs with my healthy delight. In fact, I would want it to be the good spaghetti. Not that healthy, tasteless, whole wheat stuff. That's not spaghetti! Johnny Twelve-grain over here trying to pretend it's delicious. The white spaghetti is perfect, and you can't improve on what's perfect! :)

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