Thursday, May 29, 2008

Rant on City Employees

What is the deal with the individuals employed by the city? What do they have to be so rude about? I went to the dump the other day and arrived there at 4:47pm EXACTLY. A sweet little old lady exited the small building and walked up to my driver-side window. She told me that "unfortunately" I was a little too late and that the waste facility had closed at 4:45pm. Now I might have understood the reason I couldn't drop off a broken fridge or something seeing as it would have cost me money, and would have to go into the computer, etc. But I clearly had a small load of yard waste which is very easy to remove from my vehicle and it wouldn't cost a penny to unload here. Not having any way to retort to my simple logic, the lady repeats exactly what she had just said before, WORD-FOR-WORD. What was she thinking? Did she think I didn't hear her the first time? Well, after she repeated the only line she knows, I told her I had come all the way from Kaleden just to get rid of this waste, but I didn't get anything more than an "Oh really?" Now, all I'm thinking to myself is "Are you serious?! Is every word I've been saying just travel through one ear and out the other?" Clearly there was no way to make this lady understand my predicament, so I quietly turned my vehicle around and drove home muttering to myself the entire time. Now, I bring you back to my questions from earlier. Why was she so rude? Was two minutes late really that hard to let slide? And why is this type of thing true of almost all city employees?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Top 3 Comedians

I my mind, there are only three comedians that battle for that top slot on my favorites list. I'm going to base them blatantly off of how hard they make me laugh, how realistic their content actually is, and their presentation of their material.
#1- The Great Dane Cook
#2- Russell Peters
#3- Robin Williams

Dane Cook gets my heart. His material is always classic stuff like when you're a youngster wanting to go to "Benoson's Animal Farm" and having your dad drink to much the night before, resulting it a brutal let down... or when you want to name your newborn something, and a sound effect is your number one choice. He always describes real life situations that everyone goes through almost everyday.
Dane Cook's style is principally energetic physical comedy. He combines observational humour and wordplay with a casual attitude. His routines focus on his childhood, and his plans for the future, such as his "dream home". He will sometimes deliver jokes in the form of over-the-top rants with increasingly erratic body motions, pacing, waving, and jumping.

Russell Peters is the kind of comedian that can just make you laugh at ANYTHING. Most of his material relates to his own life. Peters' comedy focuses largely around his Indian upbringing and racial stereotypes, as he often parodies his parents and South Asian culture. Much of his material explores the cultural divides between many different ethnicities and upbringings in a way that includes many impressions. One reason for his popularity is that he engages the audience at his shows, by talking to individuals and making some sort of remark at, or about them.

Robin Williams is known for his extremely random, off-topic, outbursts. Williams first achieved notice for his stand up routines, performing for tips only, and working at clubs like The Purple Onion in San Francisco. He has been accused, especially in recent years, of stealing jokes from other comedians and even paying for material after the fact.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Angels & Demons Poem

"A constant battle going on in my head"
- This statement can very vividly relate to the book. It explains the troubles of the crisis between religion and science. Each person is obligated to make his or her own opinion on whether they believe there is one God that creates miracles, or that science is the real "God" and miracles are created by it everyday. This is the battle where there is no winner or loser. It shouldn't even be a battle, but there are people that are so against the other belief, that they try and prove to them that they're wrong.

"Seeking to conquer the war of who's right"
- Again, we have a statement proving the battle of who's beliefs are right, and whose are wrong. When really, there is no right or wrong... it's just different. This quote is referring to the "Demons", who in this case are the people that believe there is a right and wrong answer. It's up to you, and only you, to decide whether you believe in a God, multiple Gods, Science, or even fate. There's no right or wrong.