Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Perils of Indifference

1. The Conflicts that no one cares about.

2. In Mr. & Mrs. Smith, they're both secret agents but for different organizations. So at first, they hide their real jobs from each other and pretend that they work for a local business, but then later are each assigned to kill each other.

3. The warnings Elie Weisel gives us in his speech can be related to the townspeople in "The Lottery" in a way where the townspeople would become the result of the people of the nation being indifferent about the wars, poverty, and deaths occurring around the world. He is basically telling us that if we continue to ignore these problems, they will eventually de-sensitize us to a point where we completely just don't care.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ignorance is bliss... Riiiiiiight.

For starters, I know ignorance is bliss. When you don't know about something, it's not your problem/conflict, therefore you don't have this issue hanging in the back of your mind making you wonder whether or not you should do something about it. I'm going to just go on a rant about one thing that pertains to this statement.

It's a thursday night, and you're relaxing on the couch watching TV. Your favorite show, Lost, has just gone into a commercial break of this young child sitting in a puddle, rolling a tumbleweed back and forth with his friend. At first, you think "aww, what a cute kid", but then you see his embarrassed little smile and you start to think "Oh crap... these are the needy kids!" "These kids make me feel bad. I gotta get outta here!" you'd selfishly think to yourself as you begin to fall into a trance on these poor souls. Personally, I blame that old guy that comes out. That burly, "Chris Cringle" type character. He just steps into the frame and starts telling us information about the children, "Hello. Top of the morning to you. As you can see, these kids... well, they aren't having an easy-go. This is McGoogoo, and he is a good little tyke. He's the one Madonna didn't want (hahahahaha). For fifteen cents... fifteen little pennies. You can fix his cleft lip, and send him to Oxford." But you don't give. YOU DON'T GIVE!

Now, you have to understand why I blame this man. I blame him because he's "too nice". As North Americans, we need a swift kick in the pants. We need this slightly built guy to come out. He's got to have a leather jacket, few days of growth, and a raging temper. He'll just all of a sudden pop into frame and start to rant "What are you going to do to help these kids?! They're playing with a tumbleweed in a puddle! It's fifteen cents! FIFTEEN CENTS! You have a coin jar in your closet that you're never going to use! Fifteen cents! Call up two of your friends, each donate a nickel! You're a LOSER! You're a LOOOOSER! C'mon kids, this guy doesn't care about you, 'cause he's just a stupid idiot. Goooodbyyyyyeeeeee!" Now, if you had a guy like this on those commercials, you might actually make a difference in someone else's life.

How does this relate to "Ignorance is Bliss"? Well, millions of kids around the world are being ignored by people more fortunate than them, and once we make this known to them, they actually make an effort to turn a blind eye. We're too lazy as a global society to help those in need. Ignorance is bliss..... right.